Do you dream about running your own business but cannot think of a great idea that could earn you money? Have you spent a years trying to think up a really good business idea but only to think, nah, that won’t work? Sometimes you may be trying too hard. There may be an opportunity staring you in the face. Most millionaires today were probably surprised by their success and I am sure they did not set out to become one, but found a really good (simple) idea that worked (and fulfilled a need to somebody). Skills, Passions and Talents Firstly assess your skills, talents, passions. What type of business could you create from those? Does your hobby lend itself to becoming a money making enterprise? Look around you, what is missing that would make life easier for you? What things happen in your everyday existence that bug or annoy you? Can you offer a solution? I am not saying start inventing products (that is a whole new ball game in itself) but what could you sell or make, that would be needed by other people just like you. Make a list and see what it highlights to you. Get Online Perhaps start an online business – you will only need good branding (including a professional designed logo), a well designed and professionally developed website and your product or service. These will get you a long way. You could do this in your spare time and work at it until it earns enough money to ‘go for it’. Perhaps writing is a skill? Think how you might monetize that online. How about gardening, making things, re-cycling stuff (perhaps set up an E-Bay shop). The list and opportunities are endless. Talking of Lists…. Sit down and write a list of all the things that you have a passion for (because believe me, you will find it hard to run a successful business if you cannot get excited about it yourself). Talk to others to get their input. It may not be obvious to you what you could ‘fashion’ from your interests but it may be to somebody who knows you well! Don’t rush it. The best ideas come to you when your mind is relaxed and ‘creative’. Don’t re-invent the Wheel There are many readymade businesses available (franchises or multi level marketing opportunities). Take a look at what is on offer and if you find something you really like, think about if you have what it takes to do it yourself rather than buy into a already established business. Maybe think about joining forces with a friend who has a similar dream to you. Brainstorm ideas together, after all two heads are better than one. Eureka! When you have your ‘Eureka’ moment (and I am sure you will) research it well to make sure it can make money from it so that it will not become an expensive hobby. My advice is to keep at it, it’s a numbers game! For every 100 ideas you have, one will be a corker!
Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Branding & Design, Company Formation, Growth & Development, Resources LibraryComing up with a great new business idea
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