Young girls are less happy today?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kicki Pallin 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #15852
     Mareike Rubien 

    Hi everybody!

    This new group is to discuss interesting or controversial topics that you are passionate about and would lobe to debate on!

    I would like to start with sharing about this article that states how young girls and women in Britain are less happy than they were 10 years ago and that this is to trace back to young girls feeling unsafe and struggling a lot more with mental health than a few years back. Also the influence of the internet and social media supposedly as an influence f the decline of happiness within young people.

    I genuinely think that this is very much true, young people in genreal today are a lot more under pressure in school or in relation ships and mental health issues far more frequent. Social Media makes many people a lot more insecure and a lot of their life is only lived online today instead of the real world. What do you think? Especially our members from other countries, have you spotted similar problems where you live?

    Read the full article here!

     Kicki Pallin 

    Sad, but interesting article. Thanks Mary :).Being Swedish I believe it’s probably the same here, even though I don’t have any recent research to refer to. But Social Media can – and has proven at times as well – alienate us instead of bringing us together. It can lead to a feeling of exclusion when your posts and/or comments aren’t liked. But I think we all have a mission here, keep liking and sharing positive posts and news. And also, whenever possible reflect on how we interact with children and young people. Just small steps, but yet so important, I believe.


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