Jeanine Hofs-Turn Your Entrepreneurial Passion into a Thriving Business


By Daniela Grrica

Jeanine Hofs is the founder of ‘Recharging for Women’, a best-selling author, renowned therapist and a teacher and mentor in personal energy management. In this article you will read about a special, strong woman and will get acquainted with her success story. Jeanine shares her experience and the secrets of her success and tells us about her mission; to enable women all over the world to manage their energy so that they become responsible for their own health, their business and their lives. And this can be done thanks to the unique methods that she distributes all over the world. Jeanine is the author of a best-seller and an ‘interior energy management’ expert. She emphasises that we all have to work hard with our own interior to be good and successful on the outside and in our daily life and in our business.

Jeanine has two important tips for all women who want to reach their own customers and who want to manage their businesses successfully. For Jeanine it is important to understand that you always need advice – and you can find this in a good mentor who will help you with all your questions. Another piece of advice that Jeanine gives is to work well with our interior and this in turn highlights the energy we have. According to Jeanine energy is already part of everyone, but what you need to do is activate it!

What is your background and how would you describe your early life?

My path to ‘’ started in 1988 when I read ‘Unlimited Power’ by Tony Robbins who is still one of my mentors. I then learned that you can create your own life and success and so I started practicing those techniques. By that time, I was also studying computer engineering at university and I soon realised that this path would not make me happy, so I decided to switch careers. I still know how to program, but nowadays I only re-program people, their mindset and their limiting beliefs.

After university I stepped into the family business and into the world of ‘energy management’ – the ‘Western’ side of it. I worked as a certified fitness and health trainer and nutrition coach and in this way I helped and trained thousands of people to recharge their energy. So, I really know everything about energy from the Western point of view, down to cellular level. From mitochondria to Adenosine Tri-Phosphates in the Krebs cycle. I know everything about energy. But yet…it was not enough.

As a business woman I believed that hard work and long hours would make me successful – but I couldn’t have been more wrong! The business thrived but my life didn’t. And I realised that it wasn’t about the outside at all. In terms of material stuff, I had everything I desired but I was not happy. I felt empty inside.

Ultimately this resulted in the darkest period of my life. In 2002 I found myself with my back against the wall, or more accurately – a fitness machine. I sat there on a sunny Sunday morning because, at that moment, I was homeless. I had the key to an office because I worked there so I could sleep and be there after closing time.

And while I sat there the full awareness of my situation came to me in one fell swoop. My relationship of 14 years had ended, I lost all my ‘friends’ and almost all my family. I had no place to live and I was pretty broke.

I remember feeling terribly alone and thinking: “Is this what I get after all those years of hard work and long hours?”.  And right there and then I made myself a promise: never again! I deserve better. I deserve a life filled with energy, success and abundance in all areas!

At that moment I had an insight and it was crystal clear. I didn’t want to continue life in the same way because that’s how I got myself into this situation. I had to change, and that change would need to start with and within myself. And even today I start every program with this first step: a profound self-insight.

What was your secret ‘method’ during your journey to success? Can you share it with us?

At one point I discovered the TAO and the Oriental secrets to energy which led to the decision to study Traditional Chinese Medicine and Philosophy. I became a licensed therapist with a very busy practice and wrote a bestseller about energy. And in that process, I discovered the missing pieces of the puzzle…

If you really want to be successful and happy you have to work from the inside to the outside. The TAO says: “Work on the inside if you want to succeed on the outside.” So that’s what I started to do for myself. And I can tell you, it not only gave me a lot of energy but also abundance. Today I can honestly say I’m happy and I love my life and business! I stepped up from being homeless and broke, to being a renowned therapist, a bestselling author and a teacher and mentor in personal energy management for women all over the world. I even got asked for a TEDx talk about energy in September!

Working from the inside to outside works for me and I teach my unique method of energy management to women all over the world so they too can master their energy and become leaders of their energy, their health, their business, their income and their life. That is Yin-power!

After 27 years of experience, I developed my own unique and very effective 7 step method to help women achieve the next level in both personal and business growth. And an important part of this method is the ‘Personal Success Code’, an instrument based on centuries old and proven wisdom originating in Chinese medicine. This unique code will give profound insights into yourself, your qualities, your pitfalls but also your energy leakages. You’ll begin to understand why you react to certain triggers, why you behave the way you do, why you have made certain choices and why some things and situations give you energy and others do not. By connecting to your “Personal Success Code” you will start living and working from a higher energy frequency which causes your life and business to run effortlessly.

Success is already a part of you, I’m convinced of this. All you have to do is activate it and you can do that by recharging your energy!

How effective is it for you and your business to do online marketing?

We live in a time of unknown possibilities and the internet is a way to get into contact with the whole world in a blink of an eye. How amazing is that? So yes, online marketing is a wonderful way for me to share my knowledge and wisdom and to spread the Yin-power! That’s my mission. To connect with as many women as possible and empower them. To teach them how to raise their energy frequency and how to recharge. So together we can form this network of powerful high vibe women who transform not only their own lives but also the lives of the ones around them!

Do you plan to compete in the global market place? If yes, how? If no, why not?

Definitely yes! I’m based in the Netherlands and although I love my country I feel that it is too small for me. I already host energy retreats in Spain and in Morocco, but I want this Yin-power to spread out further and further like when you throw a rock into a pond. I want to reach amazing women from all over the world, so I can empower them. Then they can empower the women around them and together we can create a strong field of Yin-power from which we can work towards gender equality.

It’s a big mission, I know, but I believe in the power of women, in yin-power and I believe that when we take good care of ourselves by working on the inside and when we help other women to do the same we can conquer the world.

How can women become successful in starting their own businesses? Can you share some advice?

Actually I have two important tips:

  1. Invest in good mentors

I always let myself be guided by the best experts in their field. It is really the best investment you can make. A common mistake I see all the time is entrepreneurs trying to do everything on their own but that will only hinder your growth. With the right people by your side you will go faster and reach your goals more effectively.

It is important though to choose your mentors carefully. These days many people call themselves coaches and I know a lot of women who now regret their choices. So do your research, look not only at what they are saying but also at what they have achieved. And last but not least, follow your gut feeling. Make an appointment and see if the energy between the two of you matches!

  1. Work from the inside to the outside

Like my mentor says: “People don’t have business problems, they have energy problems that reflect in their business.”

And it’s true. Your success doesn’t depend on the right option-pages, funnels or sales strategies. No, your success totally depends on your energy. So work on your mindset and on your intuition. Meditate, do breathing exercises and learn how to keep your energy grounded, protected and focused. Create the perfect morning and evening ritual for yourself and learn how to align yourself and attract everything you want into your life. Than your life will be magical – and your business will thrive easily and effortlessly.

How would you describe your lifestyle?

I would describe my lifestyle as fun and relaxed.

Fun is an important driver in my life. If an idea or a possibility gives be ‘bubbles’ I’ll go with that. I trust this feeling of fun, even in business. And if something doesn’t give me fun anymore I know it’s still going cost me energy. So, I’ll change that situation. Not everyone is always pleased with these kinds of decisions, but I listen to my intuition and follow my feelings. This keeps me empowered and full of energy. And successful in business!

How do you feel about attending the new experience at ‘Global Woman Summit 2018’?

I am honoured to be invited to speak at the ‘Global Woman Summit’ this year. I hope I can motivate and inspire the ambitious women of New York and that I can ‘infect’ them with some Yin-power!




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