Brand New Tip of the Day – Don't be Afraid

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Mareike Rubien 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #15747
     Mareike Rubien 

    Hello to all our members!

    I apologise for the missing Tip of the day yesterday, but today it will be back, better than ever. 😉 Today will be about Business and Life again and I guarantee that everyone here will be able to relate to it!

    In Life and in Business you can’t ever be scared to ask for something! Never be afraid to ask someone for advice, not everyone can know everything and there will always be something you will need advice on, especially in Business. If there is someone you look up to or someone you admire, never fear to ask them to share their knowledge with you.

    The same goes for asking for help. If you are struggling and need support, might it be emotional, financial or just help from colleagues or family with everyday tasks, there is no shame in asking for help. It’s normal that you can’t to everything on your own and everybody needs help at some point in their life.

    So remember, never be afraid to ask for something, there is nothing to loose or to be ashamed of, it can only get better. 🙂

    What do you think about this? I am curious, are you scared to ask other people for help and really want to change that? Or can you easily go up and ask for advice or support on something?


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