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Terms of Use & Code of Conduct

Global Woman Ltd Terms and Code of Conduct

Global Woman Club and The Businesswoman Today are an exclusive membership club for inspiring professional women in business round the world. These are the brand names of Global Woman Ltd Our mission is to shape a visionary future for professional women in business, unifying professional women of all ages, cultures and race. Building a new paradigm for changing the world. Through our monthly breakfasts, conference and summit events, and The Businesswoman Today, we provide a global platform for professional omen who want more visibility, global exposure and connect with like-minded women from across the world.

Global Woman Club and The Businesswoman Today

  • Global Woman Club and The Businesswoman Today are part of Global Woman Ltd and the registered office is at 23 Westfields Park, Bristol, BS6 6LT UK (company number 09727799) a company limited by shares regulated by the laws of England and Wales and subject to the Companies Acts 1985 and 2006.
  • Global Woman magazine is also part of Global Woman Ltd. Trademarks have been approved or pending in various global regions. The Proprietor has the exclusive right to use the Trade Mark and all trade names and all intellectual property of the Global Woman brands.
  • Global Woman Ltd has these websites: (magazine);;;; The Proprietor owns all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in the Websites and its databases and the Magazine and in content posted by the members on the Websites.

Global Woman Club Objectives

  • The Proprietor has established Global Woman Club and The Businesswoman Today (BWT) as a private membership club for women who agree to join and accept the terms and code of conduct.
  • The objectives of Global Woman Club and the BWT are to develop, maintain and provide services and privileges to its members.

Global Woman Club Management

  • The Proprietor shall be responsible for all actions and management of Global Woman Club and may delegate the management or any aspect thereof to its servants and agents as it deems fit, including powers and rights exercisable by the Club. Only the Proprietor and its directors, servants and agents may bind the Club but they may not make any pledge on behalf of members.
  • The Proprietor may terminate any delegation, in whole or in part, at any time and assume direct responsibility for any Club or function or determination and its decisions shall be final.

Applications for Membership

  • Any professional woman in business is eligible to apply for membership of Global Woman Club, subject to the approval of the Regional Director and ultimately the proprietor.
  • Prospective members must be eighteen years or older.
  • Admission to membership shall be at the sole discretion of the Regional Director and the proprietor. In exercising its discretion, the Regional Director and proprietor shall have regard to the furtherance of the good name and reputation of the Global Woman Club.
  • There is no obligation to give a reason for refusal or cancellation of membership but it may be given at the sole discretion of the Regional Director or the proprietor.
  • There is no obligation to give any refund for a cancellation. However, at its sole discretion, a proportionate refund may be given to the nearest full month.


  • There are three types of membership. Global Woman Club Premium, Online, and The Businesswoman Today online platform.
  • Every member agrees to accept the terms of use and code of conduct. Members shall be entitled to the rights, privileges and benefits of the relevant class of Club membership. Members have no liability to any third parties in connection with Global Woman Club or its activities.
  • Members have no proprietary or other rights in the Club, Club assets and property and no authority to contract on its behalf.
  • The benefits of premium membership include:
    • Attend any Global Woman Club Breakfast anywhere in the world and speak to the room Exclusive opportunities to participate in Club Projects.
    • Speak to the room in front of the audience and distribute cards and leaflets
    • 50% discount to attend any breakfast within the membership period A personal profile for each member on the Member Website.
    • Special Offers and Discount Ticket Price for Global Woman events and other partnership events
    • Exclusive access to The Businesswoman Today online membership platform - a safe place for women to talk and do business
    • Webinars by leading experts
    • Webinar Library - Listen at your convenience!
    • Access a ready built global professional network that will help you to achieve your career aspirations
    • Quarterly Newsletter
    • Monthly Event Mailer
  • Benefits may be changed, removed, or added from time to time and members will be notified in advance of such changes.
  • The expectation of members are to pay the Membership Fees and act in accordance with the Code of Conduct. Members should inform the Regional Director of any change of address and contact information including telephone and email. It shall be the responsibility of members to keep their contact information current on the BWT platform.
  • The duration of Club membership shall be annual and run from the first day of payment received. Renewal is automated but you will be reminded two months prior to the end of your current period with the option to cancel.
  • A formal register of members will be held centrally by Global Woman Club and subject to all data and privacy protection laws.

Membership Fees

  • In consideration for the privileges and benefits of membership, Global Woman Club shall charge members an annual subscription membership fee, payable in full, and due and owing in full at the for the following year before the end of the current membership period.
  • Global Woman Club in its sole discretion, reserves the right to amend or waive all or part of any Membership Fee due from any member.
  • The amount of the Membership Fee will be determined annually by Global Woman Ltd.
  • The current Membership Fee is £500.00 (plus VAT in the UK) per annum, which will be debited on the date given in the renewal reminder, unless cancelled. If you have not paid online when joining, you will be invited again to do so.
  • Membership is personal and non-transferable and members must not share their personal subscription with another person either by sharing the membership benefits, Card or Website access information.

Code of Conduct

  • The communication of information concerning Global Woman Club, its affairs, and its members to the media is strictly prohibited unless otherwise explicitly authorised by the proprietor. Usually all public relations and publicity is handled or overseen centrally.
  • Unless agreed otherwise, information on members or members’ guests, matters raised in conversation between members (both where the parties are physically in the same place or at a distance communicating electronically) are strictly private and not to be used for journalistic purposes.
  • No member may use Global Woman Club’s intellectual property rights or the Trade Mark without the express permission of the proprietor. In particular, no member shall make any representation of endorsement by Global Woman Club without the express permission of the Proprietor or Regional Director.
  • Members shall deal with other members with respect and courtesy in all encounters and conversations, including when communicating electronically. Members must respect the privacy of others and refrain from repeating unsolicited approaches to members, where approaches are unreciprocated.
  • Abusive or inappropriate content and/or conduct will not be tolerated by Global Woman Club.
  • Members must comply with our Acceptable Use Policy and UK, EU and US laws in their Website use and contributions, including member to member communications. Such use and content must not be defamatory of any person, be obscene, offensive, hateful or inflammatory or promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age. It must not infringe any intellectual property rights of any other person. It must not threaten, abuse or invade another´s privacy, or cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety or be likely to harass, upset, embarrass, alarm or annoy any other person. It must not be used to impersonate any person, or to misrepresent any identity or affiliation.
  • Members must not extract data from the Website for inappropriate commercial uses (by harvesting bots, robots, spiders, or scrapers) or knowingly introduce viruses, trojans, worms or other material which are malicious or technologically harmful.


  • Any member who behaves in a manner which falls below the Code of Conduct or Acceptable Use Policy may be asked to provide an explanation to the Proprietor or Regional Director.
  • Members may be warned, suspended or expelled from the Global Woman Club, an event or activity, including access to the Businesswoman Today website, for failure to pay Membership Fees, a breach of the letter and/or spirit of these guidelines and policies, including the Code of Conduct, or if Global Woman Club considers in its absolute discretion that the conduct of a member is contrary to the interests of the Club or the Club considers they are unfit to remain a member. Global Woman Club is not obliged to provide reasons for sanctions decisions, including expulsion, and any deliberations and other information on the same shall be in strict confidence.
  • Any member expelled, for whatsoever reason, shall forfeit all privileges and benefits of membership and all rights against the Club. There will be no obligation to give any refund but at its sole discretion, a partial refund may be given.

Complaints Procedure

  • Member’s complaints shall be made in writing to the Committee and the resolution of the complaint shall be at the sole discretion of the Club. There shall be a right of appeal to the Proprietor against either the finding or the sanction and the decision of the Proprietor shall be final and binding.


  • By posting data on the Website or consenting to the same, members grant Global Woman Ltd a non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, worldwide licence to publish it as posted, subject to their privacy settings and the right of any member at any time to request the Club cease to publish the same. This license ends when members delete their content or their membership subject to retention (but not further publication) for regulatory purposes as below.
  • The Global Woman Club is not responsible for the actions, content, information, or data of members or third parties. The Club will immediately remove content on receipt of an Abuse Report and any Website content in breach of the Code of Conduct or Acceptable Use Policy should be reported immediately to the Club by email to [email protected] and state in the subject heading ‘Abuse Report’. Global Woman Ltd tries to keep the Websites operational secure, bug-free, and safe, but members use it at their own risk and it is provided “as is” without any express or implied warranties including warranties of performance, quality merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Third Party software or applications, if any, are provided strictly on third party terms.
  • The Website may collect information about member computers, including IP addresses, operating systems and browser types, for system administration and performance maximization. The Club may obtain information about member Website use by a cookie file which is stored on the computer hard drives to help improve the Website and to deliver a better and more personalized service. They enable the Club to store information about member preferences, and allow it to customize the Website according to member’s interests and speed up searches.

Privacy and Data Protection

  • The Global Woman Ltd Data Controller is The Proprietor of 53 Heathcroft, Hampstead Way, London, NW11 7HJ United Kingdom. The Proprietor’s nominated representative is Mirela Sula.
  • Global Woman Club collects member data in order to process member applications, for payment of Membership Fees, dealing with anything in general related club or the BWT business in relation to members. This data is also used for Club activities; arranging events and inviting members, providing members with information on the Club and members and member offers and privileges and also to manage services to members and comply with legal and regulatory obligations.
  • Member data will be stored in the Club’s hard copy files and on its third party hosted dedicated servers in accordance with strict procedures and security features and accepted industry standards of security and protection. The data will not be transferred to or stored outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”) without your prior consent.
  • Transmission of information via the internet and storage at locations accessible from it can never be completely secure and Global Woman Ltd cannot absolutely guarantee the security of data transmitted to the Website which is at members’ risk.
  • Global Woman Ltd will not share your personal data and information with third parties except: if we sell the business or its assets of the Club or the BWT, in which case personal data will be one of the transferred assets; or if the Club or the BWT is placed under a legal duty by a court order or arbitral order or by regulatory or professional requirements to professional bodies, authorised by statute to demand them or otherwise if required by law.
  • The Club will gather and process data only for the purposes stated. For legal and regulatory reasons, the Proprietor will retain a copy of data provided to it for one year, including data submitted to the Website.
  • Following termination of membership, membership data will be retained for one year following termination. Any request to terminate consent can be sent to Mirela Sula for the Proprietor at  [email protected].
  • Members have a right to access their information held by Global Woman Ltd by requesting the right of access in writing by post or email to [email protected] We will try to ensure member data is accurate and current and will amend any inaccuracies on request.


  • The Proprietor, its servants and/or agents, shall not be liable to any member or guest of a member for any loss, damage or injury suffered by them or their property howsoever caused save in respect of death or personal injury to a member or guest caused by the gross negligence of the Proprietor, its servants and/or agents. Any liability of the Global Woman Club for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage of whatsoever nature suffered or incurred by any member of the Global Woman Club is expressly excluded.

Amendments and Interpretation

  • The terms and conditions shall be amended by displaying notification of the change for seven days on the Website. These terms and conditions are governed by English law and the English Courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising from, under or in connection with the same.
  • Questions, comments, concerns and requests regarding these terms and conditions are welcomed and should be addressed to Global Woman Ltd at [email protected]

Acceptable Use Policy

  • We reserve the right to make changes to this Acceptable Use Policy at any time, and any changes will be effective immediately upon posting to the Website. Members are responsible for regularly reviewing the Policy. Continued use of the Website following any changes shall constitute acceptance of the changes.
  • This policy recognises the fundamental fact that no one owns or controls the Internet. We cannot monitor or control all the activities of our Members. We do not intend to actively screen, review, censor, edit or take responsibility for the activities or content of our Members. The Members assume all responsibility relating to their Internet activities including, but not limited to:
  • Aspects of the Member’s business.
  • Content and data provided by or through a Member for use with the Club services.
  • Decisions about Member’s computer and communications systems needed to access the Services.
  • Results obtained from using the Club services.
  • Compliance with all applicable laws and governmental regulations regarding Member’s business or use of Club services.
  • Use of the Club services by Members as end users.
  • Compliance with this Acceptable Use Policy by Members.
  • Activities conducted on the Internet are subject to many of the same laws and regulations applicable to the offline environment. Members must exercise a high degree of judgment and responsibility with respect to their use of the Club services, including the responsibility to comply with this Acceptable Use Policy. Members will violate this Policy when they or their affiliates engage in any of the following activities:

Network and Other Abuse

  • Using the Club network or other Club resources in any way that adversely affects other Members is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to:
  • Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorised access to Club servers or services. Such attempts include “Internet scamming” (tricking other people into releasing their personal information), password robbery, security hole scanning, port scanning, probing, monitoring or testing for system or network vulnerabilities.
  • Introducing viruses, Trojan horses, trap doors, back doors, Easter eggs, worms, time bombs, packet bombs, cancel bots or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information.
  • Intentionally omitting, deleting, forging or misrepresenting transmission information, including headers, return addressing information and IP addresses. Using IP addresses which were not assigned to them or without the assignee’s permission.
  • Maintaining an Open Email Relay/Open Data Relay or allowing any data to be sent through one’s server by an unrelated third party, including, but is not limited to, via open email gateways and open proxy servers.

Illegal Content

  • Membership accounts may be terminated that include content or which have links to content that:
  • Is unlawful or is considered offensive by the web community. Promotes injury or physical harm against any group or individual.
  • Promotes or teaches illegal activities.
  • Exploits or depicts children in a negative/sexual way.
  • Infringes on copyright, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or other intellectual property including pirated computer programs, cracker utilities, warez and software serial numbers or registration codes.
  • Violates any law, statute, ordinance or regulation governing the Member’s business or activities, including without limitation the laws and regulations governing export control, unfair competition, false advertising, consumer protection, issuance or sale of securities, trade in firearms, privacy, data transfer and telecommunications.

SPAM or Unsolicited Commercial Email

  • We have zero tolerance for the sending of SPAM or Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE) over our network. Members cannot send UCE and cannot host sites or information advertised in UCE. Members must take all reasonable precautions to secure their servers and sites against SPAM exploits (e.g. open email relays and insecure cgi scripts).
  • Violating our UCE or SPAM policy will result in penalties. Upon detection or notification of a violation of our UCE policy, we will initiate an immediate investigation. During this time, outgoing mail may be suspended from the offending ip address to prevent further violations. If a Member is found to be in violation of our UCE policy, we will impose penalties and/or, at its discretion, restrict or terminate the offending account and the Member’s access to our network. Repeated or serious violations may result in the immediate termination of the account. SPAM is a very serious matter. PLEASE DO NOT SPAM. TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS against SPAM EXPLOITS.

Our Administrative Login and Management Software

  • To facilitate network/server management, inventory and related activities, all our Servers include an administrative account and password and/or a daemon. All reasonable precautions are taken by us to maintain the security of these tools and the privacy of Member data. Members must not tamper, hinder, delete, or in any way change the functioning of these tools. To do so intentionally or otherwise is grounds for the immediate suspension of a Member’s account.

Account Cancellation

  • This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is not exhaustive. We have the right to refuse service to anyone at any time WITHOUT WARNING OR PRIOR NOTICE. No refunds of fees paid will be made if account termination is due to a violation of the Acceptable Use Policy as outlined above.


  • This website contains material (including but not limited to advertisements) submitted and created by members and third parties. All advertisements published on the site are subject to the warranties below.
  • All member and third party material is published by Global Woman Ltd in good faith. Global Woman Ltd does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of such material (nor is any warranty expressed or implied by publication) and Global Woman Ltd specifically disclaims and excludes all liability to any person (be they advertiser, reader or user or member) for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever or however arising from any error, omission or inaccuracy in such material and Global Woman Ltd takes no responsibility for such material.
  • In the event that you purchase or obtain any goods or services from another member or a third party then your acquisition of such goods or services will be in accordance with the third party’s terms and conditions and Global Woman Ltd will have no liability to you in respect of the same.
  • This website also contains links to other websites which are not under the control of and are not maintained by Global Woman Ltd. Global Woman Ltd is not responsible for the content of those sites. Global Woman Ltd provides these links for your convenience only but does not necessarily endorse the material on these sites.

Commercial Communications Submissions: Warranties

  • The person submitting the material for dissemination (the Advertiser) warrants that in relation to a commercial communication, promotion or advertisement (the Advertisement) submitted to Global Woman Ltd:
  • the reproduction and/or publication of such Advertisement will not breach any legislation, regulation (governmental or otherwise) or contract or infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, or other personal or proprietary right of any person or render Global Woman Ltd liable to any proceedings whatsoever;
    all advertising copy submitted to Global Woman Ltd is legal, decent, honest and truthful and complies with the British Code of Advertising Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing (the CAP Code) at all other relevant codes under the general supervision of the Advertising Standards Authority, OFCOM or any other applicable body; and
  • in relation to any financial promotion the Advertiser is, or the contents of the Advertisement have been approved by, an authorised person within the meaning of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and related legislation including but not restricted to Financial Services and Markets 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2001 or that the Advertisement is otherwise permitted under that Act or related legislation.
  • The copyright for all purposes in all artwork, copy and other material which Global Woman Ltd or its agents or employees have originated or reworked shall vest in Global Woman Ltd. The Advertiser grants Global Woman Ltd a licence to reproduce all material not so vesting unless specifically agreed otherwise.
  • The Advertiser agrees to check the correctness of the Advertisement. Any complaint, whether about the Advertisement (and of each individual Advertisement if part of a series) or the details contained in the invoice or email confirmation of booking (as the case may be), must be raised with Global Woman Ltd within 7 days of publication.
  • The Advertiser will indemnify Global Woman Ltd and keep it indemnified against all claims, costs, proceedings, demands, losses, damages, expenses or liability whatsoever incurred by Global Woman Ltd arising directly or reasonably foreseeably as a result of any breach or non-performance by the Advertiser of any of the representations, warranties or other terms herein contained or implied by law.
  • All material contained in The Global Woman Ltd websites at;;;; and is published in good faith. Global Woman Ltd does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any Advertisement or message published or its compliance with any legal or regulatory requirements (nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication). Global Woman Ltd specifically disclaims all and any liability to the Advertiser, Advertisers, readers and users and members of any kind (other than death or personal injury caused by the Publisher’s negligence or breach of statutory duty) for loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and however arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause, and whether on the part of Global Woman Ltd or its employees or agents or any other person. Save in the case of death or personal injury caused by the Publisher’s negligence or breach of statutory duty, under no circumstances shall Global Woman Ltd be liable to the Advertiser or any other party for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, including, without limitation, those resulting from loss of sales, loss of goodwill, loss of profits, whether or not Global Woman Ltd was advised of the possibility of such losses. In all other respects, Global Woman Ltd’s liability shall be limited to the placement of a new Advertisement.

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© 2015 – 2020 All Rights Reserved | GlobalWoman, GlobalWomanClub and the businesswoman today (EU, [including UK] & US and Canada) are registered trademarks | Company registration 09727799 VAT ID 273 2343 16

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