
Asia Dimitrova




United Kingdom

Business Description

My vision is creating a Research Institute where we study autism as a sign of Human Evolution in Expansion, a place where the Special Talents of those people and their peculiarities are researched and developed into learnable skills for everyone else to use.
We would work with the autistic person in designing and creating a personalised space adapted to their needs and comfort instead of conventional furnishing and decoration.
We would strive to provide to anyone willing to step into the future insights and skills to better understand the autistic perception of the world, so that we can easily connect, communicate and learn from each other, leading everyone to an enriched and fulfilling life.
I firmly believe that Nature is taking care of the physical discomfort (labelled autism) that sometimes come as a package with the “Futuristic Talents” and “Lateral Perceptions”. Many special people are born with perfectly aligned, functional bodies and minds, but they seem clueless of what they really are or how to tap into what they have brought to this world. Those, we would educate to lead humanity to its rightful place.

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Your BWT Business Stage

0-3 years in business

My business at a glance - Key bullets points

My book “Autism as sign of Natural Evolution”, offers a radically new concept, an insight into the Autistic world, that can provide a greater understanding, and on this basis suggests new ways of looking at it and connect with a child on the spectrum. Numerous investigations and definitions of Autism are continuously emerging, new programs and research offer methods to support people on the Spectrum more adequately. All this is well developed, but the challenge for all specialists is the inability to see, live and feel what an autistic person does.

The main points of my consultations are:

• Some mistakes that society makes in dealing with people with Autism.

• Autism seen as a natural evolution of the Human species, not a disability.

• Applications of the new concept in everyday life, improving the connection, relationships, learning and communication.

• Importance of Healthy Nutrition for the autistic person.

Business Email

[email protected]


Specialist In

Asia was born in Bulgaria in the communist era and has been one of the many cases of undiagnosed High Functioning Asperger, who has had to adapt and survive within a family and society ignorant about the Spectrum.                     
At a very early age, she realized that she lives in two worlds and they work in very different ways.
Asia has dedicated her life to understanding and finding words that can describe what she perceives and lives through. Her mission is to build a bridge between these two worlds. People are her greatest passion and her love for humanity impels her to insist on her search and overcome the challenges that the nature of ASD presents every day.
Today, Asia is an published author, an inspirational speaker, Special Needs consultant sought after in complex and difficult cases of adaptability and teaches tailored courses on parenting and Autism.