- Name
Eljay Dickins
- Contact telephone number
- Region
- Country
- Business Name
- Your BWT Business Stage
Established in business 3+ years
- My business at a glance - Key bullets points
I run painting holidays in a small traditional village in S.W. Turkey for beginners or established artists. These are residential courses either for one week or for ten days in duration. Fully tutored and full board.
We supply all materials and cater for all media. Our demographic is the older or more mature person, usually female and more often than not retired from full time work.
I studied Graphic Design and after a brief stint in animated films, worked for 30 years in publishing. I have worked for many major publishing houses both as a designer and author. I have also worked for Disney in LA. I ran my own design business for twelve years before deciding to stay sun tanned and started my fine art holidays six years ago. I am now expanding into cookery and spa holidays in the same region of Turkey, using my house as a base. I speak Turkish reasonably well and now have a large collection of friends and colleagues to call on to enhance what we offer.
- Business Email
- Specialist In
Tutoring oils and acrylic painting. Life drawing. Art history.