- Name
Engela Du Toit Minshull
- Contact telephone number
- Region
- Country
United Kingdom
- Business Name
Engela Minshull Global Coaching
- Business Description
Engela Du Toit Minshull is an internationally respected brand specialist, success coach, motivational speaker and former television and radio presenter. She offers private and group coaching, success seminars and expert brand and style strategy.
Engela is a Divine Living Certified Coach. She earned a Master’s Degree in Business Leadership, lectured at Post Graduate level at three top tier Universities and managed multi-million pound budgets for premier retailers in London.
As television news anchor, Engela interviewed some of the most influential leaders of our time, including Nelson Mandela.
A Radio Broadcaster since age 21, at 25, Engela became the youngest ever Television News Anchor at SABC Channel 1. Graduating with a Masters Degree in Business Leadership, she spent ten years lecturing at various Graduate Schools of Business and as Executive Coach to PhD students and professionals. She received the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) group award for Best Company Analysis; the Breakfast With The Stars Community Award for Substantial Broadcasting, as well as several awards for corporate design and presentation.
Having worked with renowned photographers and make up artists during her time as a television presenter, Engela branched out into corporate and private image consulting.
After moving to London, Engela held senior positions with the top three UK retailers on Bond Street and Oxford Street. She served as a representative on the Oxford Street Management Group, part of the New West End Company.
London provides the perfect environment to combine her love of fashion and style with constructive business strategies and skills transfer.
A highly sought after Brand Expert & Success Coach, Engela consults to international and local corporations as well as to private clients.
Free resources at http://www.engelaminshull.com
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- Your BWT Business Stage
Established in business 3+ years
- My business at a glance - Key bullets points
Helping Businesses Get Clarity & More Clients
Style & Branding
Business Management
Professional Speaking
- Business Email
- Website
- Specialist In
Helping Businesses Get Clarity & More Clients
Style & Branding
Business Management
Professional Speaking