
Jan Ibbott

Business Name

Business Buddy

Business Description

Helen Dawson  – Founder and Owner of ‘Headings & Hems’ has recently sought help from me to discuss how to move her Soft Furnishings business forward to the next level. We discussed her aspiration for her business, the name of the business and the current branding.   Her business needed a complete re-brand to match the new aspiration and vision she had for it (which meant a new name and new logo). We discussed her thoughts about her current business and how she wanted to change the perception of her business to attract a different calibre of clientele.  It was a very definitive session for her! She left ready and confident to re-name and re-launch her business with a new brand identity. It is currently a work in progress and the new branding has now been revealed, but I can confidently say that it’s a huge leap forward and now fully represents her and her business perfectly.  From a small business to looking like an established brand which can hold its own next to many upmarket brands, she took the brave step.  She did all of this by believing in her own talent, having a vision for her business, but more importantly investing in good business advice and engaging the services of brand identity specialist. For more info visit her current website: (as of 23.09.16)

Your profile picture

Your BWT Business Stage

Established in business 3+ years

My business at a glance - Key bullets points

I am looking for introductions to women who own a business and need help setting their 5 year business strategy or re-defining it.  I’ll establish their ‘vision’ and help them determine what to do next to strengthen and shape their business, for the next 5 years.

I am also looking for women who have aspirations of setting up a new business but have not yet done it and are not sure where to start or how to go about it. I am happy to have a no obligation telephone or Skype chat with them to tell them how I could help them. Please ‘Direct Message’ on this site if you have any referrals or would like to introduce me to a friend or client. I appreciate your help. Thanks!

Business Email

[email protected]


Specialist In

Business Advice. Helping to build ‘brands’ and shape businesses for success. Supporting women owned businesses. Start Up businesses. Businesses struggling to grow. Business Mentoring. Brand Guidance. Business Strategy and much more!