- Name
Thalia Kleckin
- Contact telephone number
+3168317 8306
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- Business Name
Thalia Y Kleckin
- Business Description
Thalia Y Kleckin – Life and Transformation Coach.
I believe we should live our lives without settling for anything less than our wildest dreams. I believe we can live the life we’ve always dreamed of. I believe there is power and beauty in the imperfections of who we truly are. I believe that true authenticity is being the best version of who we are and being that every single day.
I do that by challenging your limiting beliefs and the stories you tell yourself. I lovingly hold space for you while you face fear head-on and by tapping into the infinite potential that resides deep within you.
I inspire people to believe and build the lives they’ve always dreamed of – because life is too short. I focus on the core of who you truly are and challenge you to step into the power of your authentic self.
I believe we should live our lives without settling for anything less than our wildest dreams. I believe we can live the life we’ve always dreamed of. I believe there is power and beauty in the imperfections of who we truly are. I believe that true authenticity is being the best version of who we are and being that every single day.
I do that by challenging your limiting beliefs and the stories you tell yourself. I lovingly hold space for you while you face fear head-on and by tapping into the infinite potential that resides deep within you.
I inspire people to believe and build the lives they’ve always dreamed of – because life is too short. I focus on the core of who you truly are and challenge you to step into the power of your authentic self.I support women and corporate leaders step into the power of who they really are by guiding them to prioritise authentic expression in the way they live and lead.
- Business logo
- Business image
- Your BWT Business Stage
0-3 years in business
- My business at a glance - Key bullets points
Most of us don’t end up living the life we had imagined. Sometimes the reality is infinitely more rewarding. But what happens if it’s not? As a Life and Transformation Coach, Thalia Kleckin’s greatest passion is helping women and corporate leaders step into who they really are through guiding them to prioritise authentic expression in the way they live and lead.
Uncovering and nurturing deep passions and strengths sits at the heart of her approach. Thalia knows that everyone has a unique vision for their life and work, so she guides her clients to let go of ‘should’ and expectations so they can truly recognise and heal the gaps that have been preventing them from fully embracing who they really are – at the soul level.
Thalia has worked for over 25 years’ supporting others through change in roles such as Company Coach, Training and Coaching Manager, Learning and Development Manager and HR Business Partner. She has completed training in the GROW coaching model, Train the Trainer and is a graduate of the Beautiful You Coaching Academy.
- Business Email
- Specialist In
Life coaching – I can coach you through any area of your life
Corporate training
Leadership coaching – performance, team motivation, self-awareness, communication
HR strategy – employee satisfaction and engagement, performance management, learning and development, company culture