• EvaArissani‘s profile was updated 6 years, 4 months ago

    • Lovely to get to know you Eva, I’m Kicki. A Swedish journalist and writer, who is also a Project Manager here at The Bwt. Looking forward to talking more!

      • Hi Kicki, sorry for the late reply. I was not connected. Thank you so much for your kind message. Looking forward to talking more too 🙂
        Warm regards,

        • Hi Eva,
          Good to hear from you! No worries, I have been on vacation myself and just got back to Sweden.
          I was curious to find out what you would like to have more information about here on the site. If you want to be sharing more of your work, and perhaps start a new group or so.
          I’d love to hear more of what would be useful for our members.
          All my best,


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