Latest Tip of the Day – Entrepreneurship in the US vs. Britain

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kicki Pallin 6 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #15522
     Mareike Rubien 

    Hello and good morning Ladies,

    it’s time for another Tip to be shared in our group and today I would like it to be another very interesting online article I would love to share with you.

    The article “Why is America 30 years ahead of Britain in helping women entrepreneurs?” published in the Telegraph talks about why women have it easier in entrepreneurship in the USA than in Britain. Even though the numbers of women high in business are growing in Britain, America is still far ahead. There is more support from the country, like the Women’s Business Act, and it’s easier to get financial help.

    Read the Article here!

    What is your experience with this if you are from the USA or the UK? Or how is the situation in your country, do you feel supported by the state? Let me know, I would love to hear your opinion on this!

    Have a lovely day,


     Kicki Pallin 

    Great article, thanks for sharing this Mary. It really makes me wonder about the rest of Europe as well. How are we doing, and what could be the shared components that actually ”triggers” female entrepreneurs to get started?

    All my best,

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