Contribute a thoughtful blog or vlog that you think will be of interest and benefit to members. The more that members share information and viewpoints for debate, the more value that everyone will gain. A selection of the best blogs or vlogs will be put on the home page for all to see. (We will ask you first before publishing).

How to create your first blog or vlog

Create your blog here

Latest Blogs

“Starting an Adventure”

You know the feeling of excitement when you’re starting something new? I just love that! When you are a group of people working together towards a common goal of creating something new, developing something already existing or just contemplating all the possibilities there are to improve something.  The BWT Team are now working together to make this Online Community a […]

Great to meet you!

Hey everyone! My name is Mary and I am from Hamburg, Germany, currently doing an Internship with Global Woman, so I will be living in London for the next eight weeks, working with them. I live in Brixton with some other students, working close to Tower Hill, getting to know London, definitely the most exciting city in the world. The […]

Women in Business

As women business networking entrepreneurs, we all need to break the isolation and understand that we are not alone….

Useful IT Terms – Part 1

I thought it would be useful to start a series of articles that explain some IT terms that you may have heard of and are wondering whether you should know about them or not worry. I’ll let you judge which applies for you. Part 2 next month. RAM (Random Access Memory) Your computer uses this memory to store computer programs […]

Word or Excel or PowerPoint?

Computers are tools to do a job but if we use the wrong software for the job then we will do a botch job and it will take much longer. So the first step to using an application proficiently is understanding what that application has been designed to do and which tasks it does best. Here are some ideas on […]

Turn up

Sometimes it is not about what you do or don’t do; who you are or aren’t; what you are good or bad at; your strengths and weakness or even who you define yourself to be. It is about turning up. You may want to go and hide somewhere; stay in bed; run away; pass the message on; go somewhere else, […]


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7 simple steps to composing and publishing a visually great blog or vlog

1. Type in you subject heading.
2. Type your text below.
3. Highlight the text that you want to format. A black bar menu will appear with options.
4. To add pictures or videos, Hit the return key and select the + symbol on the left side and then camera or video arrow to add from your folder.
5. When finished, select preview. Make any changes until you are happy with it.
6. Place cursor over the 3 dots and select the category or categories it relates to.
7. In the tags field, enter the key words within your blog, preceded with # Tags and categories will help others to readily find what they are seeking.

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