People keep asking me this question so I decided to put my answer in one place. So, who cares?

  • Your customers

90% of consumers would switch brands to one that is associated with a good cause, given similar price or quality.

90% will be more likely to trust that company. In the world where trust in companies is low (and getting lower) this number is incredibly important.

  • Your employees

88% of Millennials want to work for a company whose values reflect their own.

In an interview with Private Goodness, Nick Hart, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Turner Broadcasting (EMEA) said:

‘Millennials always want to know about our CSR and diversity policies and say that it is one of the reasons they joined and want to continue working with us. More and more companies are seeing this and so for this reason alone CSR is here to stay.’

Why care about millennials? For one, they will comprise 75% of the global workforce by 2025.

  • Your shareholders

Uniliver report that their Sustainable Living brands grew over 50% faster than the rest of the business.

Companies spend money on all sorts of things to generate growth – why not try a way that also helps others?

  • Your community

We live in the uncertain times (have we ever lived in certain times?) From climate change, to poverty, to isolation, there are lots of problems to be fixed.

41% of charities that are tackling these challenges expect to be partnering with more private sector organisations. Now it’s up to the private sector to respond.

Read on here:

And message me for a global woman discount code to get a discount to my social responsibility events. 

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