The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.’

I love this quote from Mark Twain. And I think if he was alive today he’d be having a hearty chuckle on Global Belly Laugh Day (Sunday 24th January). I know I will be!

And I also know that it’s not always easy to laugh, especially when you’re having a bad day. You know those days when the car won’t start when you’re due to take your kids to school… your printer runs out of ink just when you’re about to print out important documents for a meeting… your umbrella breaks on the wettest day of the year… Sometimes it’s little things, sometimes it’s big things – but they can all add up to a whole heap of stress.

The good news is that having a good old laugh relieves muscle tension and helps reduce stress, leaving you feeling much calmer. Laughter also releases endorphins – those happy hormones we could all do with more of. There are numerous health benefits of laughing as well, such as boosting your immunity and reducing blood pressure. Plus laughter gives your face a good workout, leaving you with glowing skin.

So what happens when you desperately need a laugh to boost your mood but you’re too stressed out to even think about having a giggle? You fake it! Give it a try now. Curl your mouth into a smile to get you started then think about something that’s made you laugh in the past – it might be a scene in a movie, a funny Youtube clip, a hilarious girls’ night out. As you recall the memory, have a little chuckle out loud. It sounds weird, but it does work. Once you’ve started laughing, you’ll instantly feel uplifted – it’s impossible to laugh and feel down at the same time. And of course laughing is contagious, so if you do this with a friend you’ll be in hysterics in no time.

We all have busy, stressful lives and it’s easy to get pulled down by negative emotions – just remember, when the going gets tough, have a damned good laugh!

If there’s something particular stressing you out in your life – either at home or at work – please get in touch to see if I can help you. I’m at [email protected]


Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Health & Wellbeing, Mentors & Business Coaches, Resources Library, Work Life Balance


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