Take a fresh look at your business every 6 months to see where you can make changes and streamline your business. There are always improvements to be made which will either save you time or money!

Out with the Old and In with the New

How many times do we do things because we think we should or it’s become habit?

New Year always seems to be the time that we look back and reflect but it can be done at any time of year. For example, consider the things in your business that do not make you happy and kick them into touch! Life is short. To be successful you have to enjoy what you do, so get rid of the stuff you don’t like or zaps your time and energy.

My Top 10 Tips to streamline your business

  1. Analyse your accounts regularly – what part of your business is more profitable – when you know what it is, do more of it!
  2. Analyse costs regularly – keep an eye on your bank statement regularly and get rid of any unnecessary spending – small amounts soon add up into big amounts.
  3. Update your website to remove any information that is out of date or incorrect otherwise it may result in time wasting enquiries or make you look out of touch with your own business.
  4. Spend more time getting to know the top referrers to your business. Did you know that you normally get 80% of your business from 20% of these people?
  5. Outsource important tasks that steal your valuable time and do not earn you money. Your time is worth more.
  6. Work with a remote VA if you hate admin duties – put your effort into earning money instead
  7. Tidy your office – get rid of junk and do the filing. Junk and filing bogs you down and clutters your mind.
  8. Appointments – Manage your diary – don’t waste your time on meetings which are not fee earning (this is harsh but true).
  9. Change your mind set to change your business. Positivity produces results, not negativity. It’s as simple as that.
  10. Review your business processes to see how you can improve them and become more efficient.

When you streamline your business, you become much more efficient. When you’re more efficient you think more clearly and can have better judgement or make better decisions.  Do your business a big favour and give it the attention it deserves.

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Growth & Development, Resources Library


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