I have had the benefit of being coached about writing an article by a journalist, Will Reynolds. It was specifically for Disrupts a magazine that he edits, but it is amazing how a few hints and tips from a seasoned professional makes a massive difference to a fledgling writer like me. I am not planning on taking this up professionally, but it is always good to get some hints and tips to improve.

One of the things we talked about for the article is to give people a hint or tip that will allow them immediately put into action some of the things I write about. I loved the idea so much, I have decided to add it to all my posts and articles moving forward.

So for me, that was my “What can you do tomorrow” tip.

Now I am thinking about it more generally and seeing how I speak with people and how I can give one action that they can take away that will allow them to make a small difference tomorrow that can work into being a bigger difference in the long run if they continue on.

This then comes to another important activity with any long term or large goal, you need to break it down into chunks. It is likely that anything you do is a smaller step on a longer road to something bigger, whether you know what that is or not (I would suggest for your own wellbeing, that you find out). Therefore, when you want to achieve something big or different, you need to break down the activities and tasks into smaller manageable chunks that you can fit into your day, week, year. You need to break them down into ways that make sense and that build on top of each other, until you have hit a milestone that you can use as motivation to continue on.

So tomorrow, look at what projects, activities, tasks, you want to achieve and see what you do tomorrow to get yourself kick started.

If you struggle to identify what the right thing to do is, then get in touch and perhaps I can help you decide.

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Resources Library, Strategy & Planning, Time Management


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