My name is Carin Van Loon. I was born in the Netherlands and am currently living in Antwerp, in Belgium. I decided to move to Antwerp as a consequence of loving this city and going through a ‘happy divorce’ – YES, after 23 years of marriage, the father of my children and I decided to go our separate ways. We have two wonderful daughters, who are my pride and joy.

You may have already heard of the term “multipotentionalite” – well, it describes me perfectly as I have an array of interesting creative pursuits to my name. I’m a person who loves to make good use of what I discover as possibilities for me.

Discovering new possibilities has been an incredible journey, where I have learned so much and gained invaluable insights and strengths. I now gleefully use these in my career as a Life Coach. I adore this job and I am so proud of my clients and the courage they show to tackle the challenges in their lives. I am honored to watch them grow into who they fully are.

I’m also a Mentor, Trainer, Speaker & Author. I own my own company called Happy in Progress. My biggest client is the Belgian Institute for Adult Education where I get to teach young and ‘seasoned’ adults the first steps in Life Coaching. I love to connect with new people and enjoy learning from their different perspectives. I’m working with Lumina Spark profile’s to have a quicker insight of who you are.

Do you want to know more about how I can help you? Do not hesitate and contact me soon or speak to me at one of the events where I am present.

Happy greetings,

Carin van Loon

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