Emine survival story in Kosovo Women For Women internationalIn her own words – Emine, Kosovo

Emine is a widow and mother of seven children who lives in Kosovo. Her husband died 10 years ago. Before joining the Women for Women International programme, Emine was obliged to ask her brother-in-law’s permission if she needed to leave the home.

Her brother-in-law made all the family decisions for Emine and her children. Emine believed she couldn’t challenge him.

“I couldn’t go out alone and make decisions for my children and myself. Since attending the programme, my life has changed. I am more self-confident, more courageous to speak and to manage my life and my family.

Today I go out when I need to go, and I no longer ask for permission. I go to see the doctor, do shopping, and finish my work outside the house. I now ask for opinions, but I know that in the end the decisions are mine.”

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