When you want a website to promote your business the first thing you do is purchase a domain, eg greatjobs​.co.uk. This then enables you to have an address to your website, eg www.greatjobs​.co.uk and email addresses such as jane@greatjobs​.co.uk, bob@greatjobs​.co.uk, accounts@greatjobs​.co.uk and so on.

Once your website has been designed it needs to be stored somewhere (just like storing documents on your PC). This is called “hosting”. This service is provided by companies such as 123-reg, JustHost, GoDaddy and so on. When someone enters your website address into their Internet browser the address is pointed to the computer that is storing your website. Your website designer will upload the files to this location.

Most website hosting packages also give you email storage too. In other words, if someone sends an email to you at, eg jane@greatjobs​.co.uk, this email is stored for you by the hosting company. This company will then give you the ability to read and reply to this email. You can also download the email to your PC and reply to this email via an email client, such Microsoft Outlook, or to the mail app on your mobile, with some additional configuration.

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in IT, Equipment ,Furniture & Stationery, Resources Library


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