AnnaKarin Horneij- Ideas Can Change The World 

By Gulia Lucci


AnnaKarin Horneij is a successful businesswoman from Stockholm, Sweden, and has a history of success as an inspirational speaker and a visionary. AnnaKarin also helps women all over the world to gain financial independence and advises them on how to build their own businesses. In this article she shares her story, her secrets of success, and most importantly, shares her tips for all those women who really want to find success in their lives and in their business. AnnaKarin’s story includes her struggles and personal experiences and how she has worked hard in several business areas. It is a story of inspiration for every woman who wants to be successful.

How do you remember your first steps as a business owner?

I started out as a business owner when my daughter was only 7 months old. We had moved back to Sweden from London. And since I had been working with dance since I was 12 years old as a dancer/teacher I decided to open a dance school. There were already 3 dance schools in my hometown in the north of Sweden, but somehow, I knew I could make it work!

So, I started up the dance school and we actually tripled the business targets compared to the business plan for the first term. And this success was mostly down to word-of-mouth from happy customers.

What or who has been your greatest influence in business and why?

My biggest influence has been my mentor during my training to be a dancer. She was a tough lady who had survived the holocaust during the Second World War. She always said that in whatever you do, it is down to 25% talent and 75% hard work if you want to succeed. You cannot give less than 100% if you want to make it – and remember to dig your heels in and do the job! True grit is what is needed if you want to succeed – plus the passion for what you do!

What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date?

I have worked in many different fields of business but one of the greatest moments was when I choreographed a mini version of the musical ‘Chess’. It was performed at the opening ceremony of the Winter Youth Olympics and broadcast to more than 340 million people!

Can you tell me more about your business?

I believe in having more than ‘one egg in my basket’ so I also work as a Speaker and Coach as I have been teaching and coaching since the age of 12. I work with fantastic health products based on the ‘Moringa’ plant with a Company called ‘Zija International’. Health and wellbeing has always been close to my heart. And I work with property. That is something I started many years ago together with my ex-husband. You always need something secure for your old age! I have always worked with 3-4 companies at the same time. I need this variation, or I guess I would be bored.

What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers?

Apart from the advice my mentor gave me that I told you about, I would say it is very important to network and build relationships. Knowing the right people can help you a lot – both in your business and personal life. But apart from that remember that you when you start out it is 80% work and 20% dividend. But later it should be 80% dividend and 20% work. Think of it as like an airplane. You need full power to take off but then you can reduce the power when you are in the air. It gets easier with time.  

What has been the most effective marketing initiative or program you have used to promote your business?

If your business is just locally based, then the most effective marketing is by word of mouth from happy customers. But if your business is working across the whole country or globally then it is important to be seen on social media. Send out your message to a targeted group – and do things that will help to spread the word about your business; a competition for example. Make the prize something connected to your business or product. This will make you visible on many more pages then your own business page.

What advice would you give to women who want to start a business and to grow a career?

I think women in general have to believe more in themselves and their capabilities. So be more willing to take risks and not just look for security. I always say to myself, ‘What is the worst thing that can happen?’ Usually the scenario is very unlikely, so then I feel better about going ahead and I do it. And more often than not it all works out alright in the end!

How do you feel about attending the ‘new experience’ at the Global Woman Summit 2018?

Attending Global Woman Summit 2018 is going to be one of my biggest adventures so far. It is not every day you get to share a stage with great Coaches and Speakers like Les Brown and a handful of really talented women. I believe this event is going to be the starting point of something great!

And I must thank Global Woman magazine, Mirela Sula and Trevor Clarke for the opportunity to be a part of this great event.

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