Has the first flush of romance died? Do you have second thoughts about your longer term commitment? Do you sometimes consider ‘dumping’ it and moving on? Don’t worry, these thoughts are very common! I hear them regularly from owners of small businesses under 5 years old.

Working for Nothing?

Are you tired of working your socks off? Do you feel that your commitment is not showing in financial rewards or that your business is not growing at the pace you wanted? Be patient, timing is everything. Don’t give up. Have you considered switching your mindset to think about prosperity? Creating the mindset for success is critical to actually achieving it. When self doubt kicks in, so does the inner dialogue of self sabotage.

Famous Entrepreneurs

We often read about famous entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson and James Caan who were down to their last penny but they had so much self belief they would not give up and just carried on. Look at them now! Well, that could be YOU. Those who know me well know that I’m a great believer in creating vision boards. Simply collect and make a collage of images that represent what success means to you. You could source images from magazines or newspapers, or create a board and pin your collection in ‘Pinterest’. Look at these images on a daily basis because they will spur you on to believe it’s possible to achieve your dreams.

Need more inspiration?

I read motivational books to help keep my mind buzzing, ticking over with new ideas, and thinking up clever ways to grow my own business. Why not do the same.

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Articles, Employee to Entrepreneur, Growth & Development, Resources Library, Strategy & Planning


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