No judgements, no preconceived ideas, no preconceptions, no expectations. Who knows what you will find, who knows who you will meet, who knows what help you can provide, what help you can receive.

Come as you are, with your strengths, with your skills, with your abilities, with your awards, with your talents, with your examples.

Come as you are with your weaknesses, ignorance, with your failures, with your lessons learned, with you war wounds, with your knockbacks, with your paranoia.

Come as you are with your legacy, with your super-power, as a role model.

Be yourself, in all your glory, good and bad. What is most important is the self-awareness that this journey has given you. We don’t have to be all things to all people, we don’t have to be brilliant at everything, but we need to be self-aware enough to know the difference between us and the next person. Where we can complement, add value, be of benefit, share collaborate.

Come as you are, be who you be and learn about what you can become.

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Blog, Employee to Entrepreneur, Events, Growth & Development, Health & Wellbeing


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