A picture speaks a thousand words

Picture this…..

I love anything visual, it’s how I absorb information.
Perhaps that is why I love Pinterest so much, so many beautiful images! in fact
thousands and thousands of them (I could become addicted if I had enough time)!

What a great way to be able to market your services or
products (or just generally get your brand mentioned) simply by pinning interesting
images or graphics to virtual ‘boards’.

You sometimes have to be creative to think about how you can
translate your business into a Pinterest image. It took me while to work out what
I needed to do, but suddenly the penny dropped and what I’ve found lately, is
that my images are being re-pinned to other peoples boards daily.

So you may ask, how might that help my business? For example
I have put my website address on each pin that I make so the next person, when
they re-pin that image, will have my website address and brand name in front of

The statistics for my Pinterest account show that this is currently
the best social media platform for me, in terms of viewing numbers. I am
pleased how the stats are growing week by week.

Never used Pinterest before? I suggest you have a go and see
what it can do for your business. You
can create a new board in about 20 minutes and suddenly you have a visual
representation of what you sell (for my Business Buddy brand I have created
boards such as SEO, Website information, Social Media, Business Productivity,
Business Dress Style etc), the images supporting the type of advice I offer and
showcase my knowledge

I think I will check out Instagram next to see if it’s
something that may be useful to me too. But in the meantime have created a
board to help me get going. http://uk.pinterest.com/bizbuddyuk/instagram/

Top 5 Tips for Pinterest

1) Think outside the box – my recent newsletter about brands using Penguins in
advertising advertisements and my Pinterest Board to accompany it, has resulted
in lots of interest and repins!

2) Unsure how to get started and what to pin? For example keep up to date with current
news in your industry – is there a way to translate this information into
images /graphics?

3) Always put a comment on each post and put your website address or contact details too
(or a specific webpage URL to direct traffic to your site).

4) Make sure you have a Pinterest logo on your website which clicks through to your
Pinterest ‘boards’

5) Download a ‘Pin’ icon to your browser so that you can do an instant pin to a board if
you see anything interesting when you are online.

If you have a business that can easily translate to images (for
example businesses such as Beauty Therapy, Massage Therapy, Interior Design,
Cake Making, Crafts, Estate Agents) then make sure you get into Pinterest and
start promoting your brand.


Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Articles, PR, Advertising & The Media, Resources Library, Sales & Marketing


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