Dear Women. 

I often get asked what I do for a living and what it comes down to is this: I help women to connect deeply within their body and having a fulfilling sex life.

We are often so much in our head. So busy with helping others that we rush over our own needs. And it costs us so much!! We lack acces to a source of energy and creative power within us because we are not connected to our sexuality.

I help bringing back an awareness about where you disconnected and create a pathway together so you can nourish yourself using desire and pleasure as your compass. One of the tools I offer is a meditation called ‘Orgasmic Meditation’. 

I was recently a guest on the Ignite Intimacy podcast with Laura Aiisha on the topic of intimacy and Orgasmic Meditation. It was a conversation about pleasure as access to creating what we desire, exploring new frontiers, getting vulnerable and the difference between orgasm and climax. So much fun!

You can find the recording on the website or the other links below!



If you like to learn more, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Love Marga

Recommended2 recommendationsPublished in Growth & Development, Health & Wellbeing, Work Life Balance


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